Including 12th November 2023
The 12th was the day of the second Strumpshaw Fungi Walk so I have merged the two days.
I’ve only shown a few of the fungi found that day, and if you want to have a more accurate and concise list of the fungi of Strumpshaw Fen, then visit the Norfolk Fungus Study Group Website list for Strumpshaw Fen.
Today was much like the previous days — sunny but cold and damp.
At the junction of Low Road and Tinkers’ Lane (leading up to the reserve), I found a few Coprinus comatus (Fig. 15.0).
I found a group of deliquescing Coprinopsis atramentaria on the reserve entrance.
The Mutinus caninus from previous weeks had disappeared, but I saw the remains of the Paxillus involutus.
On the Basecamp Loop, I spotted several groups of brown Cortinarius (Fig. 15.1).
At Basecamp, I saw the unidentified, white brackets from previous weeks.
On the Basecamp railway path, the Psathyrella piluliformis and unidentified orange fungi were still around, but the Agaricus moelleri from Day 14 had disappeared.
In the Dell, I saw the Trichia varia, Phleogena faginea, Rutstroemia firma and remains of the Gaestrum triplex from Day 14.
All over the leaf litter, I saw Typhula juncea.
I spotted a Mycena rosea on the leaf litter.
The Helvella disingii and Lactarius tabidus were still present in the woven stick den, but on the 12th, I found a tiny group of Arcyria denudata (Fig. 15.2) .
I found some tiny yellowish fungi (Fig. 15.3) on a twig and some Lycogala epidendrum (Fig. 15.4) on a log.
In a densely vegetated area between the Basecamp railway path and The Dell I saw a Helvella lacunosa (Fig. 15.5) and a group of Tricholoma sulphureum (Fig. 15.6) .
Arcyria denudata
The Dell

Figure 15.
The Dell

Figure 15.
Lycogala epidendrum
The Dell

Figure 15.
Helvella lacunosa
The Dell

Figure 15.
Tricholoma sulphureum
The Dell

Figure 15.
The Arcyria denudata from previous weeks had disappeared.
The Ascocoryne sarcoides was still around, but the Typhula juncea here had diminished.
I spotted a group of Calycina citrina (Fig. 15.7) on a rotting stick.
On the same stump as the A. sarcoides, I found a weird fungus (Fig. 15.8) which had a morel-like surface.
Just before The Outpost, I found a white Exidia nucleata (Fig. 15.9) on a mossy branch and Phlebiopsis crassa on various birch stumps.
I also spotted a large group of Pholiota squarrosa (Fig. 15.10) at the base of an Alder, a Mycena (Fig. 15.11) species on an abandoned pallet and some Calycina citrina.
Exidia nucleata
Yew Grove Area

Figure 15.
Pholiota squarrosa
Yew Grove Area

Figure 15.
Mycena species
Yew Grove Area

Figure 15.
The Bulgaria inquinans was still around in The Outpost.
There were more groups of larger Apioperdon pyriforme and, nearby, a small group of Ascocoryne sarcoides and what looked like Aleuria aurantia (Fig. 15.12).
I found two brackets, one a hoof-shaped Fomes fomentarius (Fig. 15.13) and a reddish brown Daedaleopsis confragosa (Fig. 15.14).
I also found a Tremella mesenterica (Fig. 15.15) on a twig and nearby, a white Stemonitis plasmodium (Fig. 15.16).
At the end of the trail, I saw a particularly purple group of Phlebiopsis crassa (Fig. 15.17) on a Birch tree.
Aleuria aurantia
Trail End Area

Figure 15.
Fomes fomentarius
Trail End Area

Figure 15.
Daedaleopsis tricolor
Trail End Area

Figure 15.
Tremella mesenterica
Trail End Area

Figure 15.
Stemonitis species
Trail End Area

Figure 15.
Phlebiopsis crassa
Trail End Area

Figure 15.
The Hebeloma crustuliniforme was still around throughout The Dell and the Basecamp Area.
I found Trichia varia throughout the reserve woodland and what I think is Phlebia tremellosa (Fig. 15.18).