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The Enclosed Area
Day 7 – 16 September 2023
These had large orange-yellow stems — which tapered upwards — and mouldy, greyish-brown caps.
The larger two had buff stems with brown streaks and orange-brown caps fading to buff at their edges.
They had cream flesh and cream gills.

On Day 9 (30 September 2023) they had appeared on damp leaf litter by the central Birch.
They had slimy, clay-buff caps which turned darker near the centre, and streaked buff stems.
The gills were buff.

The next day they remained much the same, although some of the caps had widened and gotten paler.

On Day 10 (08 October 2023), their caps had flattened out, becoming buff at the edges and forming a dark brown umbo.
The stems were dry and downy.