In 2022 and 2023/24 I undertook mycological surveys of the woodland at Strumphaw Fen.

Fungi and slime moulds have fascinated me since I was young — thanks in part to the frequent walks at Strumpshaw Fen with my family.

I started attending the Norfolk Fungus Study Group fungi forays in the late summer of 2022, and to improve my identification skills, I decided to conduct my own fungi survey at Strumpshaw Fen that autumn.

To further my knowledge, in 2023, I undertook another fungi survey at Strumpshaw Fen; this time over six months starting in August.

Many of my identifications will be either uncertain or wrong — you should not use the information on this website as guidance for the edibility of any fungus.

You can use the feedback forms throughout the site to contact me and provide specific feedback on each entry.

For more information about the surveys, head to the About page.